Friday 3 September 2010

Initial Ideas

We have initially came up with numerous different ideas for our A2 coursework. We have decided to definitely create a music video, here are the few options we came up with:

Kings of Leon - Use Somebody

Blink 182 - Miss You

The Libertines - Don't Look Back Into Sun

De Shamonix - Help Yourself

De Shamonix - Love Hate

We listened to each of the songs and analaysed the genre of music they belong to - all fell within the rock genre, but had different sub-genres such as pop rock and indie rock. We also at the same time reviewed the videos that were already released for these songs, each had their own different style, and created a look for the band. After looking at all of these bands and their songs we have decided to go for De Shamonix, as they are an un-known band, meaning they have no set style as of yet. This gives us complete control over what we do with the music video. We have decided to make a video for the song 'Love/Hate' as it has a quick tempo to it, and has a catchy chorus.

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