Thursday 2 September 2010

A2 Begins...

So after a long year working hard to get our 2 minute opener complete, and be prepared for the big test, the entire Void Productions group managed to get A's!!!

So with AS out of the way, and being well on the path to an A in A level Media Studies..let the hard work begin!

After the overwhelming success last year, we've decided that Void Productions is a guaranteed route to an A, so we've stuck together for another year. Incase you haven't read my AS introduction, the members of the group are;

John (second from left), Mase, and myself.

This year we had several choices of tasks to choose between, and we've ended up going for the music video. Our task is to create a music video for any single we like.

The more original and un-heard of the band, the easier we thought it would be to create a high standard music video, so we've decided to do a video for my cousins, and mason's brothers band, De Shamonix.

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