Wednesday 15 September 2010

Gigs Gigs Gigs

To get a bit of an insight into the vibe of the band, and the sort of people they attract to their gigs me and John have been up to 4 of their performances all over London..hoping that it would provide us with a target audience for our video and ancillary tasks.

The first thing we noticed at all of the gigs was the average age of the people watching. The majority of them were between 20 and 25, YAKS (young adventurous keen single) with disposable incomes as they are either still living at home or at university, so are relatively worry free, reflecting the image that the band give off with there stage presence and lyrics.

As far as demographics are concerned the male to female split at the gigs was roughly 65:45, so fairly even. I don't think this was effected by the music itself, but more so by the areas they were playing in. This was the same for race, there wasn't any particular race that appeared to be bigger fans of De' then another, the race simply reflected the area the band were performing in.

One thing that did stand out at all of the gigs was the class of status of the people in attendance. This was always C1, C2 and C3. Middle to lower classed people, with nobody from the upper class at all. This is quite clearly because of the music, the band are trying to appeal to this C bracket, rather than the upper class.

We asked the band themselves who they thought their main audience was, Tel the lead singer told us " Well it always seems to be the youngsters at our gigs, ya know what i mean? I guess our music reaches them more then the olders, or maybe it's just another night for them to get smashed. You never see any snobs at our gigs either, only normal working class people like us, which is how we like it..But we could get anyone out of there seats! "

This research has been very useful for us, and has turned out to be time well spent. Our final pieces of work will be heavily influenced by what we've found out from going to the gigs.

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