Thursday 9 December 2010


(Click on advert to see full size)

It's finally done!! After working for our idea of perfection (and hopefully yours) for weeks, we've finally cracked it!
  • This advertising page is completely different to our first draft aesthetically. We decided to keep the same font..but changed almost everything else. We decided to use a photo of Tel (lead singer) as the main focal point of the advert. The image we chose captures him in can see the intensity of the stage show simply by looking at this one still. We also put a distorted/pastel looking effect on the image using Adobe Photoshop to give the advert the grimey and urban look we were going for. Slightly changing from the first draft we decided to make the image black and white rather then sepia, as this image is more suited to the black and white .
  • 8th December? Random choice? I think not. We chose this as the release date in order to meet the huge market boom that occurs at christmas, with many artists fighting for the No1 spot. This makes the advert all the more realistic i feel.
  • If you look at my previous posts you'll see the reasoning behind using Rough Trade as the record label for De Shamonix. As you can see we have placed the Rough Trade logo in the corner of the advert, giving the advert further authenticity.
  • We put a black outer glow on the pull quotes in the top corners of the advert, this makes them more eye catching to readers, and gives them more of a sense of importance. I feel pull quotes really sell albums, as they are quotes from recognisable sources, that people will believe are an accurate evaluation of the album.
  • Another important feature of the advert is the 'DOWNLOAD ON ITUNES' line. CD's are somewhat a thing of the past in terms of music consumption in this present time. Although they are still produced..the majority of people prefer to download their music, as this is a very easy process, and means they can download the latest singles and albums without leaving the comfort of their own home. The leading legal provider in the music download market by far is Itunes, so selling the album on itunes would increase sales massively.
  • One last thing to mention is the 'LIVE STAGE PERFORMANCE' line on the advertisement. In order to further increase the hype surrounding the launch of the album, and of De Sham themselves, we thought it would be a good idea to include a dvd of the band performing a few of their tracks along with the album. This also links in with the image used as the main focal point for the ad. as the image is of Tel during one of their trademark thrilling performances.

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