Wednesday 8 December 2010

Ancillary Thoughts

When we started to create our CD case and Magazine Advert we decided that De Shamonix would need a record label in order to make it more authentic, as they would have been signed by a record label in order for all of this to be released.

We started off looking at the obvious record companys such as Sony and Universal, the major companys within the music oligopoly. We decided though after thinking about it more thoroughly that they wouldn't be signed by any companys like these, due to there un-known status, and the urban areas they come from.

We decided that the most authentic record label would be Rough Trade Records, an independant record label based in London.

It was started in 1978 by Geoff Travis. Geoff Travis was traveling in North America and amassed a huge record collection as he moved from coast to coast. He then shipped these records back to the UK which became the basis of the Rough Trade Shop. The label grew out of the Rough Trade Shop, founded by Travis in west London in 1976. The Label was set up in 1978 and also went into the distribution business.

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