Wednesday 24 November 2010

Parental Advisory

"Parental Advisory is a message affixed by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to audio and recordings in the United Statescontaining excessive use of profane language and/or sexual references. Albums began to be labeled for "explicit lyrics" in 1985, after pressure from the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). In 2000, the PMRC worked with the RIAA to standardize the label, creating the now-familiar black and white design."

This sign is recognised nationwide, and lets people know that they should expexct bad language, references to sex or drugs throughout the album. When creating our CD case we will have to put this on the front cover, as a few of the songs within the album use swearing, and/or refer to drugs. Although this label will not ban people of a young age from buying the album as in the UK anybody of any age can buy an album with the parental advisory label on it, it will guide certain people away from the album for the right reasons.

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