Tuesday 23 March 2010

Monday 22 March 2010

Video Diary Day 1

This is our vlog of our filming.

Monday 8 March 2010

Film Risk Assessment

Before setting out to record our film, we had to be prepared for any possible hazards or risks that could occur, and be prepared for them. So we filled in this risk assessment sheet below.

Storyboards for our film

Friday 5 March 2010

Target audience for our film

Our Target Audience

When creating planning our film we made it appeal to a certain audience.

The main age group of cinema goers are 15 – 24 year olds, fitting to the target age for our film, the acting and language within the film would only appeal to the younger generation.

Our film will be aimed mainly towards males, as there is a lot of violence within, and it is plotted around gang violence. The split would probably be 60/40 with males dominating.

The film is aimed towards people within C1, C2, D and E class types, as they can relate to the characters and events in the film, upper class people within A and B social classes wouldn’t understand the film, and would probably find it quite crude. As far as religion goes anyone that is strictly religious to any religion whatsoever would not be the target market for our film, as it would be seen wrong by there religion in some form.
Another way of finding the right target audience for our film was by using psychographics. Our film is aimed mainly at aspirers. The teenage audience of the film would mainly be aspirers, image conscious people, that take care in the way they present themselves, wearing designer clothes.

Films similar to ours

The plot of Adulthood isn't really similar to ours, but the target audience is virtually the same;

- 16-24 year olds
- C1, C2, D and E class types
- aimed mainly at aspirers and explorers